Insured condition

Insured illness conditions refer to a set of specific medical conditions that are covered under an insurance policy. These conditions vary depending on the type of insurance policy and the insurance provider. Some common insured illness conditions include cancer, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. The coverage for these conditions can include payment for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and other related expenses. Having insurance coverage for these illnesses provides peace of mind and financial security for individuals and their families during a difficult time.

Description of Additional Benefit Conditions

DCIS is the diagnosis by a doctor of the presence of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the breast, as confirmed by biopsy. A doctor certified as an oncologist must confirm the diagnosis in writing.
Early stage prostate cancer (T1a or T1b) treatment: Early Stage Prostate Cancer Treatment is the treatment for Early Stage Prostate Cancer (T1a or T1b). The diagnosis must be made by an oncologist. No benefit will be payable unless the oncologist has recommended one of the following treatments:
• Prostate surgery;
• Radiation therapy;
• Chemotherapy; or
• Hormone therapy.
Loss of independence –Loss of independence is the definitive diagnosis by a doctor, which persists for at least ninety (90) days from the date of diagnosis, of either:
a. being totally and permanently unable to perform, by oneself, at least 2 of the 6 activities of daily living or,
b. having a cognitive impairment.
Cognitive impairment is a mental deterioration and loss of intellectual ability, evidenced by deterioration in memory, orientation and reasoning, which is measurable and results from demonstrable organic cause as diagnosed by a doctor. The degree of cognitive impairment must be sufficiently severe as to require a minimum of eight continuous hours of daily supervision.

Description of Child Insured Conditions

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